I am a middle school math teacher in graduate school pursuing highschool math certification, which I hope to never use. However, I will happily accept the raise.
I love learning, imagination, chess, intellectual play, mathematics, walking, fox trot, rain, walking in the rain (when it's warm), reading, Jesus, maid service, my two young children, time with friends, manga, rocks, instructables/DIY and many other things.
I am looking for intelligent, well educated, ethical, male friends. If you fit in this narrow section of this imaginary venn diagram I've drawn above your screen I'd like to hear from you.
Bonus points if you teach because we would have summers off together. Then we could sit by the local pool pretending to be independently wealthy until school starts back.
I am a curvacious, above average woman (average in America being a size 14). So I am looking for someone who understands the value of a mind/soul connection. If you are a Romeo looking to jump into a microwave heated relationship I'm not your girl. I'm more of a slow cooker type. Expect to build a solid friendship first. Worst that could happen is you might end up with a neat friend. If you are clever, clever rocks my world but ethics hold my attention. For LTR I need someone who is grounded in the Christian faith, is trustworthy, loves my kids and can balance work and play. Play is very important to me